Community Child and Youth Well-being Survey Toolkit

Building Innovative Ideas (Live Online)

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Building Innovative Ideas (Live Online)

You’ve completed some human-centred research, but you can’t do research forever. It puts off doing something. In ideation—an uncommon word meaning idea generation—you work on what you’re going to do about the needs you’ve discovered, and how you can solve real problems for real people. If you don’t do a good job on ideation, you lessen your ability to come up with a great solution. 

Coming up with an idea is very different from building an idea. A Prototype is a way of embodying decisions so you can talk about them and make them better. More effective than simply piloting an idea, prototyping identifie what works and what doesn’t about your idea before you waste implementation dollars going down the wrong path.

In this course, you’ll dive deep into the Ideate and Prototype phases of the human-centred design cycle.

CAD 399
Total due CAD 399

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