Community Child and Youth Well-being Survey Toolkit

Exploring Complex Problems (Live Online)

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Exploring Complex Problems (Live Online)

Defining your problem isn’t the end of your research. It’s the beginning. Metaphorically, you’ve put a few stakes in the ground to identify where you plan to excavate. Now it’s time to start digging. Your next step is to identify and test the assumptions you have made around the problem space.

Great design is always based on research. Research is how we ground our solutions in the real needs of stakeholders, minimize misleading assumptions, and avoid over-simplifying and over-complicating things.

In this course, you’ll dive deep into the Define and Research phases of the human-centred design cycle, learning how staying in the problem space and iterating between these two phases can produce a strong foundation for ideation.

CAD 399
Total due CAD 399

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